Npr hourly news archive
Npr hourly news archive


Our independent, nonprofit newsroom produces award-winning stories. Discover new, local music, arts and podcasts. KUOW is the Puget Sound regions 1 radio station for news. So it would seem that adding the time would make the citation more accurate. Read or listen to the days top stories from Iowa and around the country. (Of course, that depends entirely on what you are researching.) Continue Reading Snyders Jazz exit, Lees election claims, Utah Lake countersuit. Rather than citing an hourly summary, it might be better to cite a more credible, more in-depth full-length treatment of your chosen subject. The Hinckley Institute Radio Hour (Original Air Date: January 26, 2022). I’m sure that every one of these news items also appeared in some other form, whether as a web page or separate audio file on the NPR site, or in some other news publication.

  • a brief note about Al Gore’s adult son being charged for a July 4 traffic and misdemeanor drug offense.
  • Heavy rain falling on snowpack in area mountain ranges is swelling rivers to 'unprecedented' levels, the National Weather Service says. Thousands of visitors and residents found themselves stranded as nearby communities saw evacuations and historic damage.
  • a brief note on bookstores entertaining fans awaiting the midnight release of final Harry Potter book Yellowstone National Park remains closed after record-breaking floods hit Monday.

    a brief update on world counter-terrorism efforts.

    npr hourly news archive

  • Poland’s efforts to get a crime suspect extradited from the U.S.
  • an update on a $600 million fine against the makers of the painkiller Ox圜ontin.
  • George Bush signing legislation banning cruel and unusual punishment of terrorism suspects (apparently with ample CIA loopholes).
  • In 2 or 3 minutes of Googling, I found the audio for “ NPR News: 07-20-2007 11PM ET.”

    npr hourly news archive

    From the NPR Hourly News Summary Archive. NPR does distribute its programming as podcasts, and it does sell transcripts and CDs of its archives. get attorneys until its too late after theyve been interrogated. Coverage of breaking stories, national and world news, politics, business, science, technology, and extended coverage of major national and world events. So it would seem that a compete citation would need the time. Nevertheless, you would think that, because an hourly news summary changes every hour, that the date of access is not specific enough to help a reader find the source being cited.

    npr hourly news archive

    In general, I agree with the 7th edition’s position that URLs are not all that useful in Works Cited lists, since people tend to search rather than type URLs. “Hourly News Summary.” National Public Radio. We work with an incredibly creative team over at NPR, and helping them weave different ideas into a narrative each week adds a whole new dimension to the talks.


    The 7th edition of the MLA Handbook includes this example: Febru Dan Gediman, executive producer of NPR's This I Believe, explores the archives of the original series hosted by Edward R.

    Npr hourly news archive